Fellowship in Antimicrobial Stewardship for Clinical Pharmacists

The Fellowship in Antimicrobial Stewardship for Pharmacists is an initiative initiated by the Department of Infectious diseases (ID) in 2020 to provide clinical pharmacists with training and expertise to establish their position as an integral part of the infection control and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) team. This is a comprehensive one year programme with didactic lectures and electives and practical hands on training in the ward and ICU settings.

Upotrijebite Doggie stil da biste pobudili, nakon čega ćete ići do drugog držanja. Polaritet tadalafil pliva počeo se seksati u pozi “zaostalo je”, a kad osjetite da ste oboje dovoljno zagrijani, kažu da želite pogledati u oči kad završite. Idite na misionarski položaj ili konjičko meso i … dovedite kraj!

For further queries – princi.ahs@cmcvellore.ac.in